
We offer custom tailored training packages that can focus on obedience, curtailing unwanted behaviors, dealing with stress or aggression issues. Our trainers will recommend the best routine and amount of lessons to achieve results that will.  


Proper Handling

No dog Trainer is born with the knowledge of dog psychology, physiology and what tools work to handle a dog. Our Trainers will ensure you can manage your dog in all situations. Learn to spot specific body language queues, introduce leashes and collars correctly and even learn what to do in high stimulation environments where stress can cause fight or flight.  Know your dog first so that you can trust your dog.


Become the Trainer

Our Trainers' main is goal to guide you to the point where you start to teach your own dog.  Nothing lasts longer than a routine you've created.  Our trainers help with that process through introducing proper timing, body language and even some breathing exercises!  


In Home & In Public

"My dog holds a SIT for 30 seconds in the kitchen!"

"Awesome! Now lets do it in front of a Starbucks!"

With all the tools you'll gain from our programs, we'll want to proof everything.  Learn about how to socialize and be out in the world with your dog.  A dog can perform perfectly in controlled environments, sure, but knowing you can get the same results in any location is key to building a perfect relationship with your dog.